1. Make
a list of reasons why you are in school which come from your parents, culture
and other external influences.
- To learn how to
be successful in the future
- To gain the qualifications I
need to enter university
- To meet my parents expectations
- To socialize
- To prepare for work life
2. Explain why you come to school, why your grades are what they
are and relate it to your effort. Are you getting the grades you want according
to your goals?
The primary
reason that I am in school is the gain the qualifications I need to enter
university. This is directly
related to the grades I receive. In general, I am happy with my
grades. My science and French marks especially. To meet
the requirements for university, I need advanced functions and calculus.
To be able to succeed in those math classes, I need to put more effort
into math now. My math grade is not where I want it to be. I will
start to put more effort into math, and then my grade should start to meet my
3. What goals you have made this year and
achieved? Think of small goals too (making a sports team, winning something,
doing well in an assignment). If none – explain why.
· Captain of
the volleyball team
· Mentored a
middle school robotics team
· Achieved
an 85% grade 9 average
· Made it
through culminatings with limited coffee consumption
· Got a
summer job doing something I enjoy
· Completed
my volunteer hours, and then some
· Competed
in an international robotics competition
4. Name some goals do you have in the next 4
years? If none, explain why
· Get 10
hours of sleep a night
· Maintain
an 85% average throughout high school
· Continue
to participate in the school volleyball team
· Attend the
University of Waterloo for mechanical engineering
· Continue
to have an active role mentoring middle school robotics teams.
· Continue
to participate on my high school robotics team
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