Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Jones in the Fast Lane Advice

 To win "Jones in the Fast Lane," many things must come together.  You set your goals at the beginning of the game, and if you fulfill these goals before Jones, you win the game.  The key to success is to get into a cycle. If you are doing different things every week, you will start to get confused, and once you get confused everything will go in a downward spiral.

At the start of the game, you need to get a job and and to school.  Work just enough to pay for food and school, and spend the rest of the time in school.  When rent is due, don't go to school that week, work until you have enough money to pay your rent and pay for food.  During this cycle, you will be getting more of an education.  After each new degree, try and get a job with a higher wage, or an increase in pay.  I found that the last goal to be met is is money, so once you notice this, you should already be maxed in your job.  Your goal now is to work for almost all of the week, then save enough time to go to the bank and invest in stocks. This will speed up the time it takes to meet your monitory goal.  Hopefully, you meet all your goals before Jones does.

The key to getting a good job is going to school for as long as possible, and making sure you follow the same strand.  I followed the academic strand, so by the end I was a top earning professor there, as I had done lots of education.  Do not let the schooling slip.

Happiness and prestige are both based on how successful you are in regards to your education, your job, your money, and your way of living.  If you live in the low end apartment with the worst clothes for the entire game, you will not build up prestige or happiness, so make sure you update these accordingly.

Money is directly related to your education and your job, so be sure to follow those pointers to be successful.  In addition, USE THE BANK!  Robbers are afoot, so it is important to keep some money in the bank, a good metric to use would be enough to buy food for a week and new clothes.  Should you ever find yourself without money and a job, get a loan from the bank, but be sure to pay it off as soon as possible.


  1. Buy lottery tickets every time you are at the black marker, as they are cheap with a large potential.
  2. Never carry more money than you need, because you can always run into robbers.
  3. At the end of the week, try to finish with as little cash in pocket as possible, because this means less money will be spent in between weeks.
  4. Buy a fridge as soon as you can, so you can buy 4 weeks worth of food at a time.  This saves you time, because you don't have to run to the diner every week.
  5. Get a job close to the major hubs that you commonly visit, like the bank, Black's Market, and the University.  This lowers travel time between work and where you need to go.
  6. If you ever find yourself with extra time, work or go to the University.

If you follow the advice in this blog, good things should happen.

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