Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Job 1: Aerospace Engineer

I see myself designing specific parts of airplanes.  An aircraft is made of of many different parts from many different companies, so I see myself as being a designer of one of the parts.

$97 480/year median

Bombardier is a fairly local company that is a major player in aerospace design.  This means that I would be able to stay in the area while I work.  Additionally, the pay is exceptional, which is a major pull factor to this job.  Some aerospace engineers work for the government, so my ability at French should help me get a job, should I desire it.

Job2: Pilot

I see myself being a kind but firm captain.  This would include having strict rules with my cabin crew, but also being a fun and approachable person.

$92 060/year

My uncle is a pilot, so in the event that I need mentorship, either in getting the qualifications to become a pilot, or during the job, I have someone to turn too.  Additionally, I would get to travel the world.  My uncle has many stories from all over the world, from China to Australia, from Italy to South Africa.  Finally, I believe that the responsibly of being on control of hundreds of lives would satisfy my need for control.

Job 3: Biomedical Engineer

I see myself working closely with doctors and patients to better the hospital environment and technology, by creating new technology that can be used in hospitals.  

$81 540/year

Biomedical engineers are at the forefront of new technology.  They take nanotechnology, and use it in a healthcare system.  I would enjoy this because thing would always be changing, I wouldn't always be doing the same thing.  Additionally, the projected growth of biomedical engineers is 62% over 10 years, as compared to a general job average of 11%.  This means that by the time I am out of university, many jobs will have been created.  Finally, the entire premise of being a biomedical engineer is helping other people.  Through the work, you could potentially be reaching to millions of people that are depending on you.  I think it would be very nice to help people like that.

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